Sustainable Deerfield: EcoRep Program

The Center for Service and Global Citizenship (CSGC) seeks enthusiastic, thoughtful, and dedicated students to serve as Environmental Representatives, “EcoReps.” This program is aimed at supporting on-campus sustainability initiatives from the Think 80:20 recycling program to inter-dorm water and energy conservation competitions. Students will work with faculty and staff to learn about existing campus systems, identify opportunities for education and awareness-raising, propose solutions and new initiatives, and move from ideas to action in their work as environmental stewards.

EcoReps serve as student sustainability advocates on campus. While the success of the EcoRep program is driven by the initiative of the students, some responsibilities include:

  1. Educating other students about Think 80/20, composting and waste diversion on campus. EcoReps become our on-campus experts of both the “why” and the “how” of recycling, composting, and waste diversion efforts. 
  2. Meeting bi-weekly to learn more about campus systems and sustainability efforts, plan events and awareness campaigns, and organize projects and new initiatives.
  3. Working with the CSGC to facilitate any campus-wide sustainability programs or initiatives, including the Green Cup and Blue Cup challenges and community-wide Earth Day events.
  4. Hosting student outreach events each term in conjunction with the CSGC board.
  5. Collaborating with staff, faculty, and other students to identify problems, offer solutions, and execute projects that educate and respond to sustainability needs on campus.

If you are interested in serving as an EcoRep for the 2024-2025 school year, please complete the following form by Friday, May 17. Please note, if you were previously an EcoRep, you will need to fill out this form to express your interest in continuing in the program this year.

**Please note, if you do not receive an email copy of your application in your inbox after submission, we have not received your application**