Naviance is an excellent college research resource for students and parents, and the College Advising Office will submit all transcripts and recommendations electronically via Naviance to help streamline the application process. Students will submit applications primarily through the Common Application; after August 1, seniors will need to link their Common App and Naviance accounts so colleges will receive all application materials together.

Link to sign into your Naviance account:

  • Email Ms. Dawicki if you do not have your registration code; juniors and junior parents will receive information regarding accessing their personal Naviance accounts by the middle of their student’s junior year. (Ninth-graders, tenth-graders, and their parents do not have access to Naviance.)
  • With your registration code in hand, go to Naviance, and bookmark this page before logging in. Note: You must use your Deerfield email address as your username.
  • From the “Colleges I’m Thinking About” page, click on “add colleges to this list” at the top of the page. Scroll or use the lookup tool to search for the college you want to add. If the college is not on the list, use the search function or browse by alpha.
  • Update the list of colleges you’re considering. From the Naviance home page, click the favorite “Colleges I’m Thinking About” to input the names of colleges and universities on your radar. This may change frequently over the course of junior year and the subsequent summer and will not be finalized until senior fall. Add and delete colleges as often as you’d like as you consider your options.
  • To add colleges: Click on “Favorite” once you’ve entered all of the schools you want to add (if you do not do this step, the colleges will not be added to your list!
  • You can also  “favorite” or add a college to your list by clicking the heart icon at the top of the college info page on Naviance.
  • To delete colleges, check the box in front of the college’s name on the “Colleges I’m Thinking About” list, and click “remove” at the top of the page.

Once you sign in to your student account, you’ll find useful information and tools:

  • College Advising welcome and general instructions to the right
  • The “Colleges” tab on the top of the page will be the most used section in Naviance and is where you will find tools such as:
    • Colleges I’m Thinking About: the live and up-to-date list of colleges you’re considering. Updating this list is the best way to communicate changes in thinking with your college advisor over the summer.
    • Colleges I’m Applying To: your active applications. Schools will be moved here from the “Colleges I’m Thinking About” list during your senior fall. Only your college advisor can add colleges to this list.
    • Advanced College Search: allows you to search colleges based on specific criteria (location, size, majors, etc)
    • College Lookup: lets you search specific colleges from a list. Clicking on colleges lets you review college information, see info about Deerfield applicants to the college, link to the college’s web site, and add colleges to your list.
    • Scattergrams: chart four years of Deerfield specific application activity and results at colleges.
  • The “Self-Discovery” and “Careers” tabs on the top of the page offer assessments and resources to help you explore and identify your strengths and interests.
  • By clicking on your initials at the top right side of the webpage on your account, you will be able to access “Documents and Notes” that will allow you access to helpful documents posted by the College Advising Office along with a useful resume builder, general account information, and much more!  

As you do your research and make your college plans, be sure to touch base regularly with your college advisor. Your college advisor has access to your Naviance account, so updates to your college list in Naviance can be made and viewed by you and your college advisor. Please note, we do not have access to your Common App college list. Any questions? Ask!

In August or September of your senior year, complete the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) section on the Common Application website. You should waive your right to see your teachers’ letters of reference. You must have confidence the teachers you ask to write on your behalf will be fair and accurate in recommending you in a positive light to colleges. Colleges tend to take the recommendation more seriously when viewing rights have been waived, knowing the recommendation is secure and confidential. Most colleges require that you sign the waiver before you can proceed with your application. Once the FERPA waiver is completed, log into Naviance and go to the Colleges I’m Applying to list in the College tab and enter your Common Application username and password. This information is used only for the purpose of electronic submission of your recommendation forms, other required forms, and your transcripts to colleges.