Volunteering with Kids on Point

Hart ’26, partners up with a non profit to make a positive impact in the Charleston, SC community. 

I started as a volunteer for the Kids on Point organization In Charleston three days ago. So far, I have been working as a squash coach and helping out with other activities at a camp for 400 under resourced pre-k to 8th grade kids.

Right away I saw some areas in which the grant could make a positive impact. After talking with the head coach and observing the kid’s practice, I realized that they were lacking the proper resources to run a great practice. The kids must share racquets at practice leading to less practice time for all of them. Another good use of the grant would be to provide the organization with beginner balls, because most of the children are just beginning.

I have faced the most challenge because the size of the group sessions. Often times, there are twenty kids for two volunteers. This has been difficult to manage at times. However, I see great opportunity to make a difference within this community, because the children are well behaved and super receptive and enthusiastic about learning squash.

Before coming down to Charleston, I conducted a drive for squash rackets, goggles and shoes at two New York City Squash Club. It was also publicized on social media. I am excited to distribute the rackets because the kids at the program have to share rackets. I also feel like I spread the word in my community about the work that is happening in Charleston, which is not known as a squash community.

I am so happy with my work and am enjoying it a ton.



