Latin Outreach, Accessibility, and Equality

This summer, I’m working on promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion through holding a Latin summer camp. For language courses, my local middle school only offers Spanish. As a Deerfield Classics student, my journey into Classics began much later than most people’s experiences. Many students, particularly in the New England Area, are given the opportunity to learn Latin in middle school. In Washington, even in private schools, it is quite uncommon to find Latin teachers and classes. I’m working towards providing opportunities to bring Latin to my community to give young children the opportunity to experiment in different educational fields by setting up a Latin workshop. My Latin camp is based around the basics of Latin and also the intersections between computer science and Classics. We will be exploring Roman History through a modern lens as well as learning how to read full Latin sentences. So far, I have created and sent out flyers and have started my lesson and activity plans with the goal of holding the camp the first week of August.

-Taryn Boonpongmanee ’24



