2023 Fall Family Weekend Schedule

We look forward to seeing you on campus for Fall Family Weekend. Some events on the schedule are subject to change, so be sure to check back frequently. Please note: you may choose to subscribe to this calendar (either via iCalendar Subscription or Weekly Email Notices). These subscription features will notify you if any changes are made.

When reviewing the schedule below, click on a session title for more information about that session. Click ‘add to calendar’ below to add the entire schedule of events to your calendar.

Please note:  Parents/Guardians, if your student is planning to leave for the weekend, please remind them that THEY must fill out an Overnight Permission Request form well in advance of departing.  The Student Life Office needs these forms completed by Wednesday, October 18.  You are also required to email the Student Life Office confirming that you will be taking your student off campus. Students will find this form on the E-SIGNOUT tab of the student website.  If you should have any further questions, please contact the Student Life Office directly.

Please contact Events Manager Tessa Doubleday with any questions.