Organizing Your Time

General time management tips:

Create a daily routine and stick to it. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day will help you stay organized and build in regular intervals of time for studying, socializing, and self-care.

Pause to plan. Before going to bed, map out the next day: Are there things you need to do before class? Errands you need to run between co-curricular and meals? Something you need to make sure to bring to class? A sheet you need to print? Making a to-do list for the next day will help you wake up and get focused.

Commit to an organization system. Do you like keeping your notes in separate notebooks? One binder? Separate Google Docs? Choose a note-taking system that works for you. How do you keep track of your time? Do you use a physical planner? A digital organizer? A to-do list app? Figure out what works best for you and then stick to it.

Separate the short-term and long-term. While it’s important to focus on nightly homework, it’s also necessary to plan for more long-term assignments. Put tests and due dates on a calendar so that things don’t sneak up on you. This will also allow you to build in time for bigger assignments rather than rushing to get them done at the last minute. If you know what’s coming, you can plan for it more easily!

Use your weekends! It’s important to relax in build in time for socializing, but staying on a consistent schedule and using some time for studying and homework over the weekends will help you be more prepared for the week ahead.

Daily organization tips:

Make to-do lists. Breaking down tasks into actionable steps will help you stay organized and on top of the things you need to get done in all areas of your life.

Create distinct physical and digital spaces. Use different notebooks for different subjects. Organize your documents in separate folders. The more you can separate out your information, the easier it’ll be to find it later on.

  • This is also very helpful for remote learning: doing what you can to create spaces for studying that are distinct from sleeping or relaxing (even if it’s about using headphones or closing tabs on your computer) will help your brain focus on the task at hand.

Long-term organization tips:

Create a visual map for your term. Putting in important dates and deadlines will help you notice when you might have busier or lighter weeks. You can use this information to your advantage when planning your daily tasks.

Once you’ve put in deadlines, sketch out a schedule with smaller deadlines. This will help you avoid feeling rushed when deadlines do come.

Include review time every week (every day if possible). Put regular study time into your calendar so that some study hall time is regularly reserved for going over what you learned in class.