Deerfield Academy’s JV Field Hockey team played their first home game against Promfret School. Our newer players are showing fast improvement. In particular, Ella Waag was quick to the ball and Cece Cramer made some strong passes on defense. Five minutes into the first quarter, Emily Bruno scored with an assist from Audrey Steffensen. In the third quarter, the pair reversed roles to score again with Audrey making the final touch. However, it was in the fourth quarter that the most impressive team effort occurred with a cross hit from Charlotte Steffensen that caught a little air and then was touched by Campbell Audrey and finally Alana McDonough to score with the ball never touching the ground. Speed and intensity were key elements to our team’s win, and no one embodied that more than Rose Manning, constantly transitioning our team back to an offensive viewpoint. The team played hard to earn their 3-0 win. We are looking forward to playing Hotchkiss at home on Saturday.