News for 1964

Richard Berner reports: “In April 2011 I returned to public service as Counselor to the Secretary of the Treasury. I’m primarily responsible for setting up the Office of Financial Research and have been nominated to be its Director. The Office’s mission is to serve the needs of the Financial Stability Oversight Council in assessing and monitoring threats to financial stability. Both the Council, a collaborative body consisting of financial policymakers, and the Office, were created by the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010.

Deerfield reinforced for me the importance of giving back, and I am glad to have the opportunity to do so. Nearly fifty years ago, the Deerfield alumni who participated in a Public Service Symposium on campus impressed me with their commitment to improving our country and our society. I hope that I am worthy of that heritage.

2012 has been an amazing year for our family. My wonderful wife Bonnie Tolerates my commuting to Washington. Our son Matt married Brittany Mantell in September and our daughter Laura recently became engaged to Daniel Logue. We’re proud of them all.”

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