Another year with Fulbright!

For the past 8 months, I have served as a U.S. Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Colombia, and I’ve had an amazing time living and working in the capital, Bogota. My grant ends at the end of May, but I have been fortunate enough to receive a second year with Fulbright as a Senior ETA at the Universidad Cooperativa in Pereira, a city in the Colombia´s coffee region. Senior ETAs continue teaching English at the university level, but they are also responsible for mentoring and supervising incoming ETAs in their regions. This will be my third opportunity to work in Colombia, and I hope to continue working in Colombia after my work with Fulbright.

Photo captions:

-My arrival in Bogota last July!
-A selfie on with the grounds of the Casa de Moneda Musuem (Bogota’s currency museum)
-My presentation at the Ministry of Education (I was asked to give one for all of the ETAs and the Viceminister of education about why I chose to work in Bogota and what my expectations were for my grant)
-A photo of me in front of the Presidential Palace with the guards

Alexandra Vasquez


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