99 Park Avenue

“Jonathan (Jocko) Knowles reports that his lovely wife, Pat, passed away in May of 2000 after almost 60 years of marriage. We had remained friends with another couple from Colby. He was in my class and she was a class behind. We used to take them to our Maine house and when he passed away several years ago we continued to take her to Maine. I continued to take her to Maine after Pat died – with no ulterior motive until she intimated something, or said something that made the light go on over marblehead – now we are a couple. I have been twice blessed to have the love of two beautiful women. Both families have been very supportive, which makes life a little easier. I have a son and his wife, two remaining daughters (my daughter, Callie, passed away in 2016) and their families. I greatly enjoy my eight grandchildren who are all within a two hour radius.
Gerry Carrick reports that after nearly 45 years as a real estate broker he is glad to be retired. I enjoyed the days when you interacted with clients personally – now it seems everything is via the internet – not my cup of tea. At our age it’s just nice to wake up in the morning.” – Joseph Twichell

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