Travel Programs Application Process

Please complete each of these steps as you go through the application process to apply to an off-campus program during the school year :

  1. Meet with the Director of StudiesYou may need to alter your academic program in order to attend a study-away program.
  2. Fill out Deerfield’s Application Form.
  3. Request your transcript and recommendations. Remember, we will not release your transcript until you have met with the Director of Studies.
  4. Complete your program’s application.

Please note that the Application Form is not an application for a term- or year-away program. It is the first step in an approval process that determines whether you will have Deerfield’s support when you apply to the program.

Your application will be vetted by an Approval Committee consisting of the Director of Studies, Dean of Students, Director of College Advising, Director of Global Studies, and Dean of Studies who, in conjunction with advisor input, will determine the viability of student requests to study away.

Here is the timeline for study-away applications and their approval process:

  • Mid-December-January 15: Meet with Director of Studies
  • January 15: Application due to Academic Affairs Office
  • Early Winter: Program applications due