RSP Feedback Survey

  • FairSatisfactoryVery GoodExcellent
    Welcome and Registration
    Orientation Luncheon with Parents
    Dorm Meetings and Proctor Meetings
    Life/ Cultural Competency Skills
    Academic Classes
    Intro to Arts
    Study Hall
    Community Service Activities
    Other Orientation Activities (One Card, Tours Etc)
  • Not helpful at allSomewhat helpfulVery helpfulExtremely Helpful
    Orientation and Welcome
    Orientation Luncheon/Meeting with Advisor
    Life/study Skills Activities
    English Class Activities
    Science class Activities
    Math Class Activities
    Deerfield School Culture Activities
    Dormitory Life and Proctor Activities
    Intro to the Arts
    Other Orientation Sessions (One Card, tours, etc)
  • UncomfortableSomewhat ComfortableVery ComfortableExtremely Comfortable
    Relationships with the other new students
    Relationships with the Proctors/Student Leaders
    Relationships with DA faculty and staff involved in RSP