
I just read Fritz Maytag’s definitive class notes entry. I cannot imagine matching his entry in length, interest, or variety. But, here is what we have been up to lately. I think that I already said that 2 years ago we moved from Stanford CA to Cold Spring, NY. This has allowed us to have some more interaction with Deerfield and I spent a day talking with folks about the math/science program. It will be no surprise that I have views about what should be taught in this modern age, and how it should be taught making use of new technologies. I was only mildly surprised to find that everything cannot be done at once. And, constraints such as SATs and expectations of the Universities, Stanford not excepted, place constraints on what should be done. Still, I hope I helped to nudge things along a bit. And, in any case, the students that I met seemed to be learning well and enjoying it.

So, our new phase two: we have started our transition back to London and we are leaving in about two weeks for an extended stay in our new place there. We will be back and forth for a while, but then will likely settle down in London and reduce our flying time.

And, I am still associated with Stanford and continue to try to figure out scientific questions that seem interesting but not at present well-understood. Ilse continues with her painting as usual despite the moves and travel.

Last year we got in quite a lot of skiing including a couple of trips to Mad River. While we expected good things this season conditions have not turned out so well, and our travel has gotten in the way a bit. Still, the season is not quite over.

Finally, Fritz did not include in his exciting story that fact that we got together with him and Lou Greer on the Stanford Campus quite few years ago now, and that I organized for the beer club in my lab a great trip to his Anchor Steam Brewery. It is even more spectacular than he modestly claimed!

Michael Godfrey


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Of course! Be sure to read the latest issue of From Albany Road in your email’s in-box for current news of what is happening on campus. As we also send out periodic invitations, it’s always best to make sure we have your current physical address. And if you do plan on visiting campus, why not tell us ahead of time?

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7 Boyden Lane, PO Box 306
Deerfield, MA 01342