An Update from Charles Updike

Carl Rosenburgh, who did so much for our 50th reunion campaign is out of the hospital and in rehab after a successful bone marrow transplant. We all wish him well. Carl and his wife, Louise, and Dick Tatlow and his wife, Pat, have had homes in the Boulders in Carefree, AZ for many years and have retired there. My wife, Beth Kaufman, and I joined them about a year ago. Although we still spend most of the year in New York, we plan to chip away at the ratio. Carl, Dick and I all went through grade school together and have known one another for more than 70 years. We will all turn 75 next month within days of one another.

We have shared a Manhattan Theatre Club subscription with Jim and Ceci Tripp for nearly 10 years and are about to renew it. Jim’s extraordinary career of service to the country and his fellow man in various roles at the Environmental defense Fund, including General Counsel, is exemplary of what Deerfield can and does inspire people to do. His list of courthouse successes, extraordinary “win/win” solutions and other achievements have made him an environmentalist’s environmentalist. And he is still going.

I see Mike Bradley at least once a year at a New Year’s Day party in New York. Mike, too has had a successful legal career and is still going strong. I occasionally bump into Red Lewis in the barber shop in the basement of the Harvard Club. Although some grey has crept in, he is still very discernibly “Red” Lewis.

Charles Updike


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